SpatialStream® Code Examples

Polygon Drawing

Every mapping application needs complex drawing tools. The SpatialStream® API provides access to sophisticated drawing tools for you spatial application. SpatialStream® allows you to integrate functionality to add, edit, delete and move spatial shapes such as points, polygons, lines and text. This example shows the process of adding a new user defined polygon.

The primary benefit of use the SpatialStream editing tools is that they are ready to use and are fully compatible with the SpatialStream® OperationsManager functional component allowing you to equip your site with Undo and Redo. They are also compatible with the SpaitalStream® TransactionEngine functional component.

Drawing Tools

markupFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(new RecordSet(["ID"]), "Markup", map);
selectionSet = new SelectionSet(map);


drawCommand = new DMCDrawPolygonCommand(map, selectionSet, markupFeatureLayer, SYMBOLIZERS.POLYGON());
drawCommand.getEventManager().addCallback("onDeactivate", cancelDrawing);

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